
Series 1 – Episode 21: Julia Seal takes you through the THIRD step in coaching your negative emotions, expanding on Emotional Intelligence through the lens of our Happiness Wisdom Concepts. Discover how SI and RSI build on EI and what it means to be an Emotional Learner on this happiness coaching journey. Dig into your own pockets of Emotional Childhood to unpack how this affects your Happiness Set Point and use 10 powerful questions to increase your insights.

Take the THIRD step in HOW TO FEEL BETTER in the midst of your negative emotions, your Unhappiness with Coach Julia Seal. Unpack more about your Emotional Intelligence, emotional maturity and emotional childhood, with the help of three of Julia’s coaches: Alan Sieler – Ontological Coaching, Marita Fridhjon – Relationship Systems Coaching and Brooke Castillo – Life Coaching.

Dig into the pockets of your life where you’re in Emotional Childhood, where you are handing over power in your life and where you are taking the victim role. Explore how this directly impacts your Happiness Set Point when considering our Happiness Wisdom Concepts: The Happiness Paradox, The Hedonic Treadmill and Hedonic Adaptation.

Use our 10 powerful coaching questions to give you further insight into your Emotional Intelligence and your own Happiness Wisdom.

Expand your expanded view of Emotional Intelligence to include social intelligence and relationship systems intelligence, discover how mood fits into your understanding of your emotions, feelings and sensations and what it means to take a Conscious Stance.

Lastly, find out what it means to be an Emotional Learner on your happiness coaching journey and what this means for our coaching together on your “happy and successful, no matter what”.

Keep increasing your Emotional Intelligence as you discover how to feel better in your unhappiness, right now today!

There really is no better time to do this work together

  • Take the next step in HOW TO FEEL BETTER in the midst of your negative emotions, your Unhappiness
  • Unpack more about Emotional Intelligence, emotional maturity and emotional childhood
  • Expand your understanding of Emotional Intelligence into social intelligence and relationship systems intelligence
  • Meet 3 coaches and their views on EI: Alan Sieler – Ontological Coaching, Marita Fridhjon – Relationship Systems Coaching and Brooke Castillo – Life Coaching
  • Discover how Mood fit into your understanding of your emotions, feelings and sensations
  • Find out what it means to be an Emotional Learner on your happiness coaching journey
  • Increase your awareness of your Conscious Stance and what it means to adjust it on purpose and intentionally
  • Dig into the pockets of your life where you’re in Emotional Childhood and how this affects your happiness and success directly
  • Explore how our Happiness Wisdom – The Happiness Paradox, The Hedonic Treadmill, Hedonic Adaptation and Happiness Set Point are affected by your Emotional Intelligence
  • Ask yourself 10 key questions to access your own wisdom in this area
  • How much are you able to think beyond your Unhappiness or is it all encompassing? Why?
  • What role is your Emotional Intelligence playing in your Unhappiness now?
  • Are you on the Hedonic Treadmill when it comes to wanting to get rid of your Unhappiness? Why?
  • Is your definition of Happiness just an opposite to unhappiness, a reaction to your unhappiness? or just the absence of your Happiness?
  • How much Unhappiness is part of your Happiness Set Point? Is your Unhappiness a predominant mood – at work, at home? Why?
  • What emotions do you experience when you consider opening yourself up to different, more uncomfortable emotional experiences? How willing are you to be an Emotional Leaner with these feelings?
  • How is my Social Intelligence and my Relationship Systems Intelligence held back when I am operating from Emotional Child?
  • Where are the pockets in my life where I show up as an Emotional Child? Where am I powerful in my life and where do I hand over my power to others?
  • In what situations do I expect others to meet my needs and expectations? Why?
  • In what situations do I allow others to affect my feelings? Why?









#1.21 Emotional Immaturity & your Happiness Wisdom