Series 1 – Episode 35: The world needs people who coach themselves beyond their fears & towards kindness & contribution every day! Discover how to respond to a crisis, like COVID-19, so you can be of service to your family, friends & colleagues as well as a contributor to
#1.21 Emotional Immaturity & your Happiness Wisdom
How to subscribe to The Happiness-Matters podcast on your device Series 1 – Episode 21: Julia Seal takes you through the THIRD step in coaching your negative emotions, expanding on Emotional Intelligence through the lens of our Happiness Wisdom Concepts. Discover how SI and RSI build on EI and what
#1.20 – Negative Emotions & Emotional Intelligence
Series 1 – Episode 20: Take a SECOND step in coaching your negative emotions with Julia Seal by exploring what emotions actually are and the difference between your Emotions, Feelings, Sensations and Moods. Learn from the world’s best lie detector, emotional equations and colour wheels to discover how to increase