Series 3 – Episode 4: BONUS – Join me for my recent lecture as part of the Masters in Happiness Studies on “Taking Wholebeing Happiness to the next level – for you & Planet Earth”. Twelve Principles make up the framework of Happiness Studies, with Wholebeing Principle 2 being
🧩 108-Days to Unpuzzle your Wholebeing Happiness
Ready for change in 2025? Join me for 108-Days of personal coaching (private OR small group sessions) to dive deep into your Midlife & create your very own version of "from PUZZLED & STUCK to Resilient, Creative, Thriving - Wholebeing Happiness, no matter what" . . . 108 Days together, creating the artwork of your life where we look deeply into the relationship you have with yourself . . . I can't wait to meet you! (Bookings now open for January 2025 - Day #1/108 starts 20 Jan)
🆕 🎉 108-Days to Unpuzzle midlife weightloss AND yr Wholebeing Happiness!
Join me to unpack your relationship with your body & midlife weight-gain in the context of wholebeing happiness - 108 Days together - intimate group of midlife women (8 places only for January or July start)
I first came to know Julia when I stepped into a new role at work. Wow! What an amazing and transformative journey it has been. Julia is a highly skilled coach with a warm, engaging personality. It is really easy to talk to her about difficult issues. Julia is a gifted listener and able to uniquely distill what she hears into valuable, credible insight. She offers practical tools for problems –tools that are sometimes so simple but always so helpful. Through her insightful coaching I have come to value my strengths and my leadership style. Julia has helped me reflect on life, balance and happiness (and not just at work). I really appreciate her “whole life” approach. Knowing myself better has really helped me and my engagements with others – thank you Julia! If you are looking to learn more about yourself and realize your potential, I highly recommend Julia
I started coaching with Julia in 2015, and her warmth, guidance, and attention to the emotional atmosphere will always keep me going back. She is an amazing coach, and she has the ability to speak to me straight-to-the-heart, giving me the real deal in a gentle way. Sessions with Julia are always a welcome break, and I know I can count on a good laugh and fresh perspective to get me out of a rut. She knows me so well, and the fact that she can recall little details of our sessions always makes me feel at home and at ease. No judgment, no risk – I can always be honest with Julia, and I know she is honest with me. Our conversations are my safe space, home-away-from-home.
I can’t thank my coach, Julia, enough for her caring support and her gentle, but firm, guidance throughout this journey. I have valued her sense of humour and ability to ask the difficult questions with sensitivity and care. She really knows how to listen to make one feel heard, understood and appreciated. After each session I was invigorated and inspired to achieve my goals. She spurred me to dig deeper and to get to the bottom of my recurring negative patterns and to find tools to overcome them, to develop self-awareness, to set early indicators to alert for any relapses, and ways to get back on track and to nurture and tap into my inner spirit and core strength on an ongoing basis. This time with her has been incredibly helpful and is likely to have a lasting impact on my life. I feel like I have changed for the better and am stronger for it.
Coaching has been a wonderful experience for me and Julia has fantastically guided me through becoming a better manager and looking after myself better. Julia has a lot of experience and knows well how to guide me into addressing issues I need to so as to improve on a balanced work and personal life
Coaching has been an amazing experience for me and Julia did a fantastic job of holding a mirror up for me to see the real me; to appreciate the real me; and to be able to balance my work and non-work life better. I am a better and happy person and manager as a result of the coaching process.
Podcast!!!! A new word to my vocabulary and who other than Julia Seal introducing it to me during her visit to Namibia. The Happiness-Matters Podcast has been significant to me and the matters that I encounter daily. Since the first episode I have made it a priority to listen to the podcast because it serves as meditation and rejuvenates my soul. I can relate to most if not all the topics Julia shares in the podcasts, it has equipped and enhanced my happiness. We are responsible for our own happiness, we need to take charge and not allow anyone to take it away. Julia is the same lovable being in-person as you hear her laugh throughout the podcast. Thank you for all your effort with the podcasts Jules and the podcast anthem is music to my soul. You and Fraser are doing a great job and it means a lot 😃

🎧 Happiness-Matters in Midlife Podcast – Resilient, Creative & Thriving... evolving, no matter what!
How can I be happier in Midlife as a Professional Woman? Join me to find out why Midlife is a calling to your own Metamorphosis - the perfect time for you to solve the puzzle of your Midlife Transition (your MiddlePause, Midolescence)! Let's embark on a journey together to explore what it means - and how to do it (even, how to coach yourself) - to live into the very best version of you in this next phase of your life. 😄 As a successful, Woman Leader navigating happiness in today’s crazy changing world (inside & out) – it’s all here for you!
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#3.3.Interbeing – InterWHAT-ing Midlife Happiness?
Series 3 – Episode 3: INTERBEING – Join me to dig a little deeper into what Interbeing actually means and how embracing it will expand the way you see your Midlife Happiness – how we can embrace life and death in our wholebeing and how we can leverage our
#3.2.Bonus 🤩 Masters in Happiness Studies = off on a new adventure!
Series 3 – Episode 2: BONUS – Looking for a post-pandemic adventure? Join me on my new 20-month journey to a Masters degree in Happiness Studies! It’s a journey I’m embarking on from this week until May 2024 – a journey to deepen my work here in Happiness-Matters; spiralling deeper into
#3.1.Interbeing – 3 core relationships essential to Midlife Happiness
Series 3 – Episode 1: INTERBEING – Welcome to the start of Series 3 where we’ll be crafting our Wholebeing & expanding our Interbeing through the 3 Relationships that are at the core of Midlife Happiness. Embrace it all here – all the scientific knowledge, all the wisdom of our ancient traditions,