
Series 2 – Episode 3: MEDITATION – Join coach Julia Seal for one of her favourite ways to create Midlife Happiness – Mindfulness & Meditation. Today she goes step-by-step into how you start a Breathing Habit & then expand it into your life permanently. Find out why something so simple has such happiness power, what’s actually happening in your brain & why it works. Discover “The Pause” to make all the difference to your Menopause & beyond!

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  • Your free 5mins meditationdownload here

  • Your free coaching tool: High Road : Low Road – by Happiness-Matters.coach – download here

Series 2 – Episode 3: MEDITATION – It’s the second corner piece for your Midlife Happiness Puzzle! We begin our exploration of all things Mindfulness & Meditation so that you can setup your own Practice, expand it & then establish it into your life, long term. We look at everything from simple but powerful Breathing Practices, Mindfulness & Mindful Meditation, Resting Meditation, the cultivation of compassion & loving-kindness as well as the deeper Insight Meditation – so much fun ahead!

Today, coach Julia Seal (& long term meditator) starts with the easiest – & most foundational of all practices when it comes to Managing our Brains with Mindfulness & Meditation – Breathing!

Yes… this simple hardly noticed automatic behaviour that we all have to do to stay alive is the start of our journey – our journey to go from being stuck in Midlife or suffering in emotional pain & confusion to our Midlife resilience, creativity, thriving – our Wholebeing Happiness – it’s that easy 🙂

Julia walks you through a step-by-step process into how to start a Breathing Habit & then expand it into your life permanently, expanding on her free Coaching Tool: 3 Long Strong Breaths.

Also, find out why something so simple has such happiness power – what’s actually happening in your brain & why it works. Look into how to switch from stressed-out Beta brain waves to the Theta & Alpha waves of wakeful rest & relaxed attention. Also, how to reduce the stress hormones Cortisol & Adrenaline, flooding your brain & body with the Happiness hormones & neurotransmitters: Oxytocin, Dopamine, Endorphins & Serotonin.

If that’s not enough for you, you’ll discover “The Pause” that will make all the difference to your Menopause & beyond – a happiness secret ingredient that will transform your life, especially your Midlife relationships!


Join Julia here on the podcast to start living into your best life, today.

“May you be Happy, May you be Free – there is no better time to coach together!”                           


  • Why Mindfulness & Meditation is a corner piece in Brain Management, in your Midlife Happiness Puzzle
  • How to get started with the most foundational of all practices when it comes to managing our brains on purpose
  • How to make this practice a part of your daily life – in every moment, as a daily habit & a Mindfulness Ritual
  • How to switch your brain from stressed-out Beta brain waves to the Theta & Alpha waves of wakeful rest & relaxed attention
  • How to reduce the stress hormones Cortisol & Adrenaline & flood your brain & body with the Happiness hormones & neurotransmitters: Oxytocin, Dopamine, Endorphins & Serotonin
  • “The Pause” – a happiness secret that will make all the difference to your Menopause & beyond, especially your relationships!


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And on: Julia’s coaching Notes by email for show notes

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#2.3.Meditation – 3 Breaths to change everything in your Midlife
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