
Series 1 – Episode 35: The world needs people who coach themselves beyond their fears & towards kindness & contribution every day! Discover how to respond to a crisis, like COVID-19, so you can be of service to your family, friends & colleagues as well as a contributor to the greater good. With Coach Julia Seal, learn step-by-step tools to coach yourself through spiralling thoughts & emotions, using Neptune’s Trident, the Wuhan foot-tap and Copenhagen pandas to guide you.

Guide to this Episode

  • Download this all-in-one guide to Episode #1.35 COVID-19: Keep Calm & Coach Yourself

The world needs people who coach themselves beyond their Fears and towards Kindness and Contribution every day!

Discover how to respond to a crisis, like COVID-19, so you can be of service to your family, friends & colleagues as well as a contributor to the greater good.

Why learning self-coaching skills to direct our inner traffic of thoughts; to feel more deeply and into our humanity; and to use our emotions on purpose to fuel the best actions is so vital now… what is the point of learning how to be happy and successful if it’s only sustainable in good times?

With Coach Julia Seal, learn step-by-step tools to coach yourself through this time, putting into practice all that we’ve been learning at Happiness-Matters.

Discover a simple, step-by-step process on what to do if you’re spiralling, feeling feeling anxious or out of control – suggestions on practices to establish daily self-coaching habits, while you are self-isolating – ideas on how to deepen your self-coaching in order to use this time as an opportunity for growth and evolution, using the 3-prongs of Neptune’s trident and Shiva’s trishula to guide you.

And why you might want to limit your exposure to news and social media through this time and what you could be doing instead…

A Wuhan handshake or rather, foot-tap and elbow pump for you – thank-you for showing up for yourselves and the world!

” May you be Happy, May you be Free – there is no better time to coach together!”


  • The world needs people who coach themselves beyond their Fears and towards Kindness and Contribution every day!
  • How to respond to a world event, like the COVID-19 pandemic, where chaos, uncertainty and change are the new normal, so you can be of service to the world right now, a contributor to the greater good, making the most of our lives for the benefit of all
  • Why learning the skills to (1) direct the Inner Traffic of thoughts; (2) feel better, more deeply and into our humanity; (3) use emotions on purpose to fuel our actions is so vital now… what is the point of learning how to be happy and successful if it’s only sustainable in good times?
  • How to put into practice all that we’ve been learning about coaching ourselves > how to start, extend and deepen our self-coaching ability
  • Step-by-step guide how to start coaching yourself when you’re feeling anxious or out of control
  • Suggestions on practices to extend and establish daily self-coaching habits
  • Ideas on how to deepen your self-coaching, to use this time as an opportunity for your growth and evolution, using the 3-prongs of Neptune’s trident and Shiva’s trishula to guide you
  • Why you might want to limit your exposure to news and social media through this time and what you could be doing instead…




#1.35 – COVID-19: Keep Calm & Coach Yourself
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