Series 1 – Episode 13: After learning to use our Self-SmiZing Coaching Tool explore your discoveries with Julia Seal. Expand how you define your relationship with yourself, discovering four types of thoughts that either serve your happiness and success at work or actively undermine it. Then, meet your stream of consciousness, your inner monologue self-talk and your Inner Critic so you can start the work of coaching transformation. (Part 2)
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Your free coaching tool: Self SmiZing Mirror Work 1-7 – by – download here
After learning how to use our Self-SmiZing Coaching Tool as an active tool of transformation and “Know Thyself”, explore your discoveries with Julia Seal. Narcissus, Snow White, Dorian Grey and Lewis Carroll’s Alice will entertain you as we look for something that lives beyond your mirror reflection, something that takes you closer to Your Future Self.
In doing so, we expand how you define your relationship with yourself, discovering four types of thoughts that either serve your happiness and success at work or actively undermine it – thoughts about you, thoughts about your actions, and about your past and your future.
We’ll meet your stream of consciousness, your inner monologue self-talk and we might meet the Inner Critic who lives in your head. Could it be The Imposter, The Perfectionist, The Inner Controller, the Guilt Tripper, The Destroyer or The Underminer?
Our self-coaching, on how to dissolve your Inner Critic and reduce it’s hold, starts with support from the Dalai Lama, Carole Dweck’s Growth Mindset and psychoanalyst, Robert Firestone.
Your coaching as transformation journey is both given depth and a kick-start in Part 2 of our Self-Smizing exploration.
Join Julia for a once-off session for coaching support on your self-smizing work and how your inner critic shows up for you. Bookings at
There really is no better time to do this work together!
- Explore what you discovered from using this Coaching Tool, especially your thoughts and feelings about yourself
- Find out how your relationship with yourself might be getting in the way of your happiness and success at work
- Discover the 4 thoughts that make up your relationship with yourself
- Increase your awareness of the voice in your head and it’s role in your life and your happiness
- Meet the Inner Critic and find out the most powerful voice that yours uses to undermind your happiness and success at work
- How it’s possible to start coaching yourself to dissolve your Inner Critic, supported by the Dalai Lama, Carole Dweck’s and Robert Firestone
- Share your mirror tales and those of Narcissus, Snow White, Dorian Grey and Lewis Carroll’s Alice
- Subscribe & Review
- How to subscribe to The Happiness-Matters podcast on your device
- How to write a review for The Happiness-Matters podcast on your device
- Episode links
- Sharon Salzberg, US Buddhist teacher –
- Qualities of a mentally healthy person – Robert Firestone –
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- All coaching tools for Series 1:
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