Series 1 – Episode 44.Q&A: Insights into emotional immaturity, how to start a meditation practice, how to remember to coach yourself every day, with Coach Julia Seal. Why emotional immaturity is so normal & nothing to be embarrassed, ashamed of? Why self-criticism completely halts your growth & development? 5 hacks
#1.43.Q&A – Your Happiness vs Success Formula
Series 1 – Episode 43.Q&A – Find out more about the Happiness;Success Formula with coach Julia Seal. Discover how it’s your chicken-or-egg dilemma and what the world’s wisdom and latest research have to say on the topic. Apply our coaching tools to decide your view of personal and professional
#1.23 – Are you Buffering away your Happiness?
Series 1 – Episode 23: Understand how you might be upsetting your Emotional Balance and maybe making yourself even unhappier in today’s FIFTH step in how you can FEEL BETTER in the midst of your negative emotions. Julia Seal expands on all the ways we might distract ourselves from how
#1.22 – Happiness is 50:50, always!
Series 1 – Episode 22: Julia Seal shares the FOURTH step in how you can feel better in the midst of your negative emotions by expanding the Happiness Wisdom Concept: Life is 50:50. Discover how the Chinese principle of Yin-Yang perfectly illustrates how you can coach yourself to Emotional