Series 1 – Episode 10: Explore the nuances of the Human Smile with Julia Seal and discover where it can fast-track you and when it harms your happiness and success at work. Let childhood poetry take you on a self-coaching journey to discover when smiles are contagious, how you
#1.9: Insight – Emojis & your happiness at work?
Series 1 – Episode 9: Our next Bonus episode with Julia Seal looks into the fascinating world of emojis and emoticons and what we make them mean, suggesting 5 ways to use them to coach yourself to happiness and success at work. Umberto Eco, Japanese manga comics and “smiley
#1.8 – Insight – What’s behind Smiley?
Series 1 – Episode 8: The first of our bonus episodes explores a fun and insightful topic, the famous Yellow Smiley Face and in doing so, deepens your understanding of the Defining – Assessing – Vision part of your self-coaching journey. Join Julia Seal, to discover how Smiley has